Camp teaches kids ‘Hands are Meant to Heal, Not Kill’ amid youth crime increases

Kalamazoo nonprofit Urban Alliance is throwing a summer camp for kids to get bullets to stop flying.

Kalamazoo Public Safety says youth crime is getting alarming and even more alarming is how often guns are being used to commit those crimes.

Organizers created Life Camp to change the narrative, steering kids away from using guns to hurt people and instead using their hands to heal.

Davien Brown is heading into the 9th grade at Loy Norrix but told News Channel 3 his young life hasn’t been easy.

“I adapted gun violence to my life because that’s what I grew up around,” Brown said.

Brown is joined by a couple dozen Kalamazoo Public Schools students at Life Camp, which aims to empower kids to end the cycle of gun violence.

“When purpose is not known, abuse is inevitable so if we can teach young people the purpose of guns and it’s not to hurt or kill people, then I think we can move that needle a little bit,” James Harris, Outreach Manager at Urban Alliance said.

Read the full article on WWMT.