Change of Status

The Change of Status (CoS) program at Urban Alliance is designed to help men learn skills, make changes, and equip them for the next stage of their life.

The 12-week program operates as a cohort, inviting men who have a previous history of incarceration and/or may be experiencing violent behavior tendencies or minimal substance abuse to pursue lasting transformation.

In group meetings and one-on-one sessions, participants are offered a safe space to speak without judgement, the opportunity to develop a brotherhood with like-minded men, and are equipped with various life skills to continue and sustain their change-making journeys.

Our Change of Status team works in partnership with the Kalamazoo County Sheriff’s IGNITE (Inmate Growth Naturally and Internationally Through Education) program to host programming within the jail to better equip men nearing their release and assist them to reintegrate into society on a positive path.

Change of Status participant


We are better together.