Vaccinating homeless population, moving them into new temporary housing in Kalamazoo

KALAMAZOO, Mich. — Residents of the Mills Street homeless encampment in Kalamazoo were packing up and heading to their new temporary home Monday, March 8, 2021.

Volunteers were helping residents move out of the encampment to a location in Kalamazoo where they could find temporary housing until May 31.

Residents who moved in did not want to go on-camera but said having a home during these times was a relief.

According to a document News Channel 3 obtained, the program was called the Community Organizations Hoteling Intervention, which consisted of several organizations providing a place to stay and support services for the houseless population in Kalamazoo. The organizations included Open Doors Kalamazoo, Hope Thru Navigation, Urban Alliance, Kalamazoo County Continuum of Care, Integrated Services of Kalamazoo, Ministry with Community, Loaves and Fishes and COPE Network.

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